Metta Blessing 慈心祝福

Metta Blessing 慈心祝福
Replace your worries with loving-kindness blessings. 以慈心祝福取代您的擔憂。

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Ecstasy of Surrender

Tired of arguing, resisting, holding back, fighting, overthinking, torturing yourself with self-doubt?

Spend 20 minuets with Dr. Judith Orloff and learn the skill of “surrender”—— an ability to give yourself wholeheartedly to something.

Perhaps, “surrender” is a gateway to “let it be” and “let go”.



20分鐘與Dr. Judith Orloff學習「臣服」的技巧——一個讓自己全心全意投入的能力。


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