Metta Blessing 慈心祝福

Metta Blessing 慈心祝福
Replace your worries with loving-kindness blessings. 以慈心祝福取代您的擔憂。

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Free to be yourself

Generally, you are free to be yourself in front of a real good friend.

Don’t get me wrong! I’m not suggesting you to be self-opinionated, self-willed or be yourself stubbornly; instead, you can unload your burdens or masks and live comfortably in a safe area.

Hence, I sincerely hope that most of your friends in your list always give you support, courage and freedom.





Monday, January 29, 2018

Real good friend

The qualities of a real good friend:

They offer you what is hard to give. 
They help you for what is hard to do. 
They undergo with you what is hard to endure. 
They reveal their secrets to you. 
They keep your secrets. 
When misfortunes strike, they do not abandon you. 
When you're down and out, they do not look down on you. 

If your friend possesses one or more of the above qualities, you are no doubt the lucky person in the world. 

On the contrary, If your friends do not obtain any of above qualities, please don’t be disappointed.

First, use “diary” as your close friend who listens to you, tell it all your emotions and write down a self-encouraging quote everyday.

Then, perform a 10-minutes loving-kindness meditation daily to establish your own goodwill.

In the near future, good friends and great teachers will appear one after another in your life.


當您跌入人生谷底時, 他們不會瞧不起您。






Reference:  Mitta Sutta 

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Ecstasy of Surrender

Tired of arguing, resisting, holding back, fighting, overthinking, torturing yourself with self-doubt?

Spend 20 minuets with Dr. Judith Orloff and learn the skill of “surrender”—— an ability to give yourself wholeheartedly to something.

Perhaps, “surrender” is a gateway to “let it be” and “let go”.



20分鐘與Dr. Judith Orloff學習「臣服」的技巧——一個讓自己全心全意投入的能力。


Friday, January 26, 2018

Compassionate intentions

If, we really feel that our intuitive thinking is not trustworthy.
Fine, just do a quick check in 2 phases:

  1. Is this a wholesome intention?
  2. Will it brings benefits to oneself and others?
If both the answers are definitely “yes”, just carry on.
Perhaps, the consequences may not turn out positive occasionally, but that’s okay.
We gain experiences from our deficiencies, don’t we?

The more we expose and explore, the more we learn and grow.
Before long, we will gain back our confidence, and perform as the quote accordingly:
“Trust intuition and just do it.”


  1. 這是良善的意圖嗎?
  2. 對自己和他人有好處嗎?


Click here to read more about Colin Beavan, “Intuitive Action”

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Have a good sleep

Studies show that a restful night’s sleep is the cornerstone of good health, productivity, creativity and happiness.

Here are some good sleep tips which I have revised from “Bright Side”, share with you and wish you have a restful sleep.
這裡有一些不錯的睡眠秘訣,我修訂自「Bright Side」,與您分享,希望您有一個安穩的睡眠。

  1. At least 6-8 hours of sleep 至少6-8小時的睡眠
  2. Bedroom just a bedroom, no office desk nor TV 睡房就是睡房,不應該有辦公桌或電視
  3. Get comfortable (mattress, room temperature, luminosity etc.) 保持舒適(床褥、室溫、亮度等等)
  4. Exercise more 多運動
  5. Avoid big meal at night 晚上避免豐盛大餐
  6. Get relax before sleep (hot shower, soothing music or bedtime yoga etc.) 睡覺前放鬆自己(熱水澡、輕音樂或就寢瑜珈等等)

  1. Easy pose
  2. Butterfly pose
  3. Seated forward bend
  4. Pigeon pose
  5. Child pose
  6. Knees to chest
  7. Corpse pose
Good night. 晚安。

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Turn Negative Self Talk to Right Speech

Apply “Right Speech” to all sorts of Negative Self-talk,
such as self-criticizing, self-blaming, cursing etc.

Here are some tips 這裡有一些提示:

  1. Know your triggers and explore the opposite realities 認清觸發負面對話的關鍵因素並探索其反面事實
  2. Learns to accept our flaws 學習接受我們的不圓滿
  3. Keep a self-compassion and self-developing journal 撰寫自我同理和自我成長的記事
  4. Routine of Loving Kindness Meditation 例行慈愛禪修

Click here to read more about Mark Epstein, “If the Buddha were Called to Jury Duty”

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The mind with Dhamma

The more we practice, the more we tend to wish that our mind associated with Dhamma.
However, what’s the characteristic when our mind associates with Dhamma?
Put aside all our expectation and simply practice, perhaps, the answer will unfold before our eyes.


Click here to read more about Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, “Conserving the Inner Ecology”.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Deep listening

Keyword: Deep listening

I train my deep listening by listening to my breathing, heartbeats, or outer hustle-bustle-street occasionally, how about you?

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Let peace come to us

Get ready our mind by mindfulness practice, such as simply watching the in and out of our breath for 5~10 minutes/session, perhaps, peace will come and knock our mind-door.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Self-transformation through Mindfulness

20 minutes TEDx talk
“Although we do not have any control of what was happened in the past, we have the power in this moment and going forward, to choose how we pay attention to our thoughts and emotions. Every moment then becomes an opportunity for us to change the way we perceive the world and ease the burden....... So, I leave you with the question: what will you fill your mind?”

Cognitive Neuroscientist, Dr. David Vago

After the talk, why not considered to kick off a 5-10 minutes Mindfulness Practice everyday?

Starting a meditation practice, by Dr. David Vago

Soil for growth

Find a soil which enrich with the qualities of harmony, joy and purity to help us grow.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Openness 開放

Keyword: extraordinary openness

Open our mind, eyes or ears, we will perhaps find a new gateway.

Don’t prove but improve!


Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 Ring waves 環形水波

Beings are interrelated to make the world worth living, 
even insignificant thoughts can profoundly affect everything around us.
The present you, it is not form by a tiny little cause surrounding you;
and the future you, will also never be decided by the current success or failure.
Therefore, be like a ring wave and do the best of oneself,
affecting the surrounding with all sort of goodwills, then let go.
Indeed, we are growing and improving 
while constantly cultivating our wholesome deeds.
May you be happier, nicer and wiser in 2018.

