Metta Blessing 慈心祝福

Metta Blessing 慈心祝福
Replace your worries with loving-kindness blessings. 以慈心祝福取代您的擔憂。

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Life as a practice

Anticipate to have a better physical body condition or 
to get rid of all sorts of bodily pain
through the Dharma Practicing,
is a very common misconception.
Never forget:
birth, old-aged, illnesses and death,
are parts of life, living and even themes of cultivation.




Tuesday, October 23, 2018

To bridle or to discern

Never try to control, 
the unmanageable circumstances.
Why not recognize thoroughly,
everything is just in continual transformation?




Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Cope with Uncertainty

There is no choice to meet with the uncertainty of life,
but react wholesomely should always be our preference.




Friday, October 12, 2018

Maintain a healthy mind

What are you fueling up at this very moment?
Mindfulness or mindlessness?
Right understanding or mistaken view?



Meteorological observer

A meteorologist
observed the wind, clouds, rainfall etc.,
and records all the changes thoroughly.

A meditation practitioner 
perceives the mind-body matters 
and logs all the mental and physical phenomenon genuinely.





Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Skillful Sherlock

Knowing and observing all the arising and ceasing phenomena of the mind-body,
with a simple mind that does not fall into regular custom nor rush for results,
just like a dedicated, meticulous, trustworthy detective.



Monday, October 8, 2018

Rely on Dharma but not person

Follow the provided instruction of practice wisely,
but not pursue the teacher, the method and the experience of others blindly.



Sunday, August 12, 2018

Is time to back to an art you interested

Buddhist Thank-You Cards

Finding a bridge to pass through our tragedy to the land of understanding and compassion.

Excerptions :

“No mud, no lotus” is from suffering that we learn compassion, from loss that we learn understanding, and from overcoming struggles that we come to discover our own strength and beauty.

The phenomenon of post-traumatic growth has now been observed in more than 300 scientific studies, and research has found that up to 70 percent of trauma survivors report some positive psychological growth.

Art seeks to make sense of everything from life’s smallest moments of sadness to its most earthshattering tragedies......And last, art can be a vehicle for the development of compassion.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Yes or No reaction modes

Ask yourself these questions before saying “yes” or “no” to anything
By Lisa Evans

Do we always reply “yes” or “no” out of fear? Fear of being rejected by others, we become Mr/s Yes; fear of failure, we become Mr/s No. 

What are the questions that we have to introspect before we say “Yes” or “No”?

Perhaps this article will help us out of the tags of “Yes” or “No” person.

Excerptions :

When you say yes to something that doesn’t align with your goals or interests, you are saying that someone else’s goals are more important than your own.

......saying “no” too often can cause some backlash. People may stop offering opportunities......


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Mindful Breathing (2018/08)

Event : 30 mins Mindful Breathing
@ your own place
@ your own time

活動:30分鐘 正念呼吸
@ 在您的所在地
@ 於您方便的時間點

The Progress of Practice 修學進展

Keep track of your practice. 靜修蹤跡。

For those who has participated the retreat events @ your own place and time.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Metta @ your own place

Event : 30 mins Loving Kindness 
@ your own place 
@ your own time (proposed time : 8:00-8:30 pm)

Thanks for joining us 

in maintaining the energy of
Mindfulness & Compassion 

Don’t miss the up coming July’s events:

May you be well and happy.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Experiencing Emotions

Meditating with Emotions

This article mainly features the usage of emotions as a tool for spiritual practice and growth.

Excerptions :

Buddhanature and the natural state are not just made up of happy, sweet emotions; buddhanature includes everything.

Emotions, in essence, are just pure energy, but because of dualistic perception we identify the emotion as “me,” and it gets very locked in.

Fundamentally, the reason emotions are discomforting, painful, frustrating is that our relationship to the emotions is not quite clear.

This is to say that energy itself is not a problem. We always associate our emotions with thoughts—we’re scared of something, or we’re angry at somebody, or we’re feeling lonely or ashamed or lustful in relationship with either ourselves or somebody else.

Our emotions have a lot of mental conversation......

If there is a way that you can interrupt the conversation through your meditation training, even for a few moments, then you can have an actual experience of dread—a nonverbal experience.

If we use our emotions as the object of meditation, as our friend and support, it’s like standing on the bank of the river and observing.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Transferring Wellness

We are in the era of editing and programming and even transferring DNA. 
However, never left behind the task of  refining and cultivating our mental and moral qualities, for the sake of humanity and dignity.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Old age and death

How to Grow Old: Bertrand Russell on What Makes a Fulfilling Life
By Maria Popova

Thanks to Maria Popova whose article provided us so many life fulfilling references regarding the topic of old age and death.

Regarding that, certain ideas in the article worth reflecting, for instance: falling in love again and again, forgive and forget, the dissolution of the personal ego into something larger etc.

Excerptions :

An individual human existence should be like a river — small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea.....

I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.


Monday, July 9, 2018

Metta @ your place

Events : 30 mins Loving Kindness @ your own place

Thanks for joining us 

in maintaining the energy of
Mindfulness & Compassion 

Don’t miss the up coming July’s events:

May you be well and happy.

Upholding the name of Avalokiteśvara

Cultivate compassion by upholding the name of Avalokiteśvara
JBT English Dharma Group
by Ven. Ekāyana

Think about :
Buddha forgave Devadatta and considered him as Good friend 
who assisted Him for accumulating His Paramitas.

Someone might hurt us in the past......
would we allow that unpleasant experience ruins our whole life?

Life is too short to waste 
Dwelling in the past is as equal as
wasting our beautiful and precious present moments

Imprison ourself in negative emotions by not forgiving
is as similar as
ruining our amazing and blissful future potential

So, pick a practice ......
Carry on for 15–30 minutes a day

Turn our REACTION mode to AWARENESS mode
Join me in the WHOLESOME CYCLE
for the good of oneself and all beings.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Worry or Angry ?

Don’t Worry, Be Angry
By Thanissara

Angry again? Let see how the author share with us the ideas of make good use on the energy of anger.

Excerptions :

Looking on at the mindless destruction of the planet, how can we not feel outraged?

Anger burns us up, injures others, or, when we repress it, collapses us into depression.

Anger is a warning that something is invading and overwhelming us. If we don’t take heed, disorder and destruction will follow.

This energy, when distilled into clarity and wisdom, burns away the dross of self-seeking desires and fears.

Anger as a healthy response to injustice has a different quality. It is clarifying. 

If we prematurely condemn or repress anger because we think it unworthy to feel, then we will fail to transform it.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Compassion Meditation

Family Dharma: Leaning into Suffering
By Beth Roth

A great exploring on the topic of Compassion Meditation with wide range of subjects and author’s personal experience.

Excerptions :

The Four Divine Abodes are natural states of the human mind and heart, yet they are often obscured by our conditioning, habits, and difficult emotions. 

Although the Pali word dukkha is most often translated into English as “suffering,” other common translations point to the comprehensive meaning of dukkha:  illness, unhappiness, neuroses, discomfort, pervasive unsatisfactoriness, or perhaps most simply, stress. 

The Pali word karuna, which translates into English as “compassion,” literally means “the trembling or quivering of the heart in response to a being’s pain.”

The second part of the definition of karuna, “in response to a being’s pain,” means that since every person is a being, we are called upon to meet not only another’s suffering with love, but also our own.

When we are suffering, we are as much in need of our compassion as is any other being, and we are equally deserving of it.

To recognize our suffering and respond to it with compassion is a gradual process, and it must be done with sensitivity and care.  As we develop our internal resources, we may also need reliable external support – a good friend, an experienced meditation partner or teacher, a skilled therapist.  This is not a path we need to walk alone......

If freedom from pain and sorrow seems impossible because of physical illness or other circumstances, we may need to experiment to find more resonant phrases.  For example, “May I care for my body just as it is,” or “May I meet this suffering with tenderness and love.”


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Healing thru writing

On Writing Letters to Famous Strangers
By A. M. Home

Came across this article unexpectedly.
Love reading it.
Share with me your thoughts, if you read.

Excerptions :

As a teenager, I wrote letters to strangers.

I didn’t write to strangers because they were famous. I didn’t want an autographed eight-by-ten. I wanted to tell them about my life, my day at school. I wanted to drive a wedge between my childhood and the larger world that I hoped I might join one day. I wanted a way out. 

We are all in more communication with each other than ever before: email, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. But when you think about communicating, think about reaching beyond what is familiar. You can reach into the lives of others. You can reach into the heart of the world.