Metta Blessing 慈心祝福

Metta Blessing 慈心祝福
Replace your worries with loving-kindness blessings. 以慈心祝福取代您的擔憂。

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Lessening International Dispute begin with oneself

Q&A (2022/01/09):

Verse 124 in The Way to Buddhahood:

For the benefit of all sentient beings,

The body, all usable things,

And all good dharmas of the three periods,

Should not be saved but should be given away.

Q: What would the Buddha do to fix this problem mentioned in VS 124 : Creating wealth and material goods for the sake of accumulating and gaining (economic) possessions of things and creating suffering in the world and also creating international disputes? How can this be lessened?

~> The Blessed One was originally a prince who could inherit the throne, but he chose to let go of his right to inherit the throne and to let go of all the glory and wealth of a comfortable life. He himself plays an example to achieve the greatest deed of dedication.

~> Most of the social disputes caused by the accumulating and gaining wealth, the Blessed One educates us with His actions, and more importantly, in His teachings on Generosity (Giving), inspires us to see the causes of those social problems and solve problems by establishing correct concepts (right views).

~> When it comes to the Right Views of Giving, this book is divided into two different stages of study. The concept of giving in Chapter 3 is aimed at beginners or those who are just preparing to learn Buddhism.  As for the more in-depth contents of giving in Chapter 5, it is a true self-sacrifice mind-building. In other words, Chapter 3 teaches us to Give and to share, while Chapter 5 elevates us away from self-centered thinking and focus on benefiting all beings.

~> However, the deep-rooted problems in society cannot be solved in a few words.  But don't be disheartened, as long as we uphold: if there is one more person (start with us) in the world who does good deeds physically and mentally, the problems will naturally be reduced relatively.

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