Metta Blessing 慈心祝福

Metta Blessing 慈心祝福
Replace your worries with loving-kindness blessings. 以慈心祝福取代您的擔憂。

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The long and gentle exhalation

Emotional Hijack, not only happens on kids and teens, but also in big-kids like each of us. To get rid of that, why not try the method of “breathe in a little bit and breathe out a whole lot”?
Use "short inhalation, long and gentle exhalation" to relieve negative thoughts such as restlessness, anxiety, and annoyance etc.
For example, when inhaling, silently count 1, 2; when exhaling, silently count 3, 4, 5, 6.  Repeat several times you will amazed by the effects.

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