Emotions, in essence, are just pure energy, but because of dualistic perception we identify the emotion as “me,” and it gets very locked in.
...... whether it’s any strong emotion or even a milder emotion, it’s so easy for us to get stuck and wrapped up in the story and thoughts around the emotion. From there, the emotions escalate and enslave us.
One of the things that causes us to get so lost in our emotions is that we attach our stories to them.
In any given sitting period, in any given half hour of our lives, there are a lot of things that come and go. But we don’t need to try so hard to sort it all out. We don’t have to attach so much meaning to what arises, and we also don’t have to identify with our emotions so strongly. All we need to do is allow ourselves to experience the energy—and in time it will move through you. It will. But we need to experience the emotion—not think about the emotion.
在任何靜坐裡,或在任何半小時的生活中,都會有很多事物來來去去。所以,我們根本不需要費力將其全部整理出來。我們無需執意為浮現的事物賦予太多的定義,而且我們也不必過度地鑒別所有的情緒。我們所需要做的就是讓自己全意領受這股能量 —— 假以時日「情緒」僅是過客。它會變成過客。然而,我們需學會領受情緒 —— 而不是思索情緒。
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