Metta Blessing 慈心祝福

Metta Blessing 慈心祝福
Replace your worries with loving-kindness blessings. 以慈心祝福取代您的擔憂。

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Find your Entrance for The Practice of Bodhicitta

 Related to The Way to Buddhahood verse: no. 115

Some enter with the faithful vow; 

Some enter with wisdom, some with compassion.

Article Reading: 

The Three Essential Virtues by Master Yin Shun, translated & published by Hwa Tsang Monastery Australia 

Food for thought:

Recall and share : In the very beginning, which aspect of Buddhism (in terms of philosophical, social welfare or admiring the attainment) has caught your attention and lead you into the dharma practicing?