Metta Blessing 慈心祝福

Metta Blessing 慈心祝福
Replace your worries with loving-kindness blessings. 以慈心祝福取代您的擔憂。

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Is time to back to an art you interested

Buddhist Thank-You Cards

Finding a bridge to pass through our tragedy to the land of understanding and compassion.

Excerptions :

“No mud, no lotus” is from suffering that we learn compassion, from loss that we learn understanding, and from overcoming struggles that we come to discover our own strength and beauty.

The phenomenon of post-traumatic growth has now been observed in more than 300 scientific studies, and research has found that up to 70 percent of trauma survivors report some positive psychological growth.

Art seeks to make sense of everything from life’s smallest moments of sadness to its most earthshattering tragedies......And last, art can be a vehicle for the development of compassion.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Yes or No reaction modes

Ask yourself these questions before saying “yes” or “no” to anything
By Lisa Evans

Do we always reply “yes” or “no” out of fear? Fear of being rejected by others, we become Mr/s Yes; fear of failure, we become Mr/s No. 

What are the questions that we have to introspect before we say “Yes” or “No”?

Perhaps this article will help us out of the tags of “Yes” or “No” person.

Excerptions :

When you say yes to something that doesn’t align with your goals or interests, you are saying that someone else’s goals are more important than your own.

......saying “no” too often can cause some backlash. People may stop offering opportunities......


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Mindful Breathing (2018/08)

Event : 30 mins Mindful Breathing
@ your own place
@ your own time

活動:30分鐘 正念呼吸
@ 在您的所在地
@ 於您方便的時間點

The Progress of Practice 修學進展

Keep track of your practice. 靜修蹤跡。

For those who has participated the retreat events @ your own place and time.